If you are struggling when it comes to prospecting and your running into brick wall after brick wall with your prospects then this blog post is for you. I see that the majority of people in the network marketing industry are struggling when it comes to successfully prospecting and signing people into their business Joel Iyiegbuniwe Bears Jersey , the reason why is because these people are heavily focused on the prospecting and not focusing on the positioning. before anything else I just want to say that prospecting is the money making activity in your enterprise but having said that if you are prospecting dead beat leads that are not on your life going to enter your company let alone work the business then your prospecting efforts are just going to waste this is why positioning is so important. So what do I mean by positioning and what does it have to do with prospecting? Positioning is all about targeting an exact market and leading with value which at the end of the day positions you as an expert in the field as opposed to being just a further sales person trying to sell something to be in line for a quick buck. You potency be asking yourself well how do I position myself as an expert if I am new to this industry? And the answer is simple, if you want to be very prosperous in this industry you have to invest and increase the value within yourself. This doesn’t mean that you obtain to recognize everything but you do need to deem the needs of the market place and supply your prospects with the training that they are curious for that way you become the go to guy or girl, you want to gain your prospects interests at heart and obtain the pure intentions of helping others. Once you position yourself like this amazing things will happen in your business Anthony Miller Bears Jersey , you will begin to obtain people contacting you wanting to discover more about you and what you are doing. The majority of distributors in this industry think that they are offering value with their enterprise opportunity because their enterprise opportunity is going to save the world and set you free. The problem with this is that business opportunities are a dime a dozen and truth be told if a person doesn’t realize how to market online and position themselves as a leader they are going to struggle to even pay the rent with any biz opp on the planet so your enterprise is not the value that you need to be leading with. If you are new to the network marketing industry then I want you to listen carefully to this next statement because it will actually be the means to your victory or failure in your online business. “You Need To Promote Yourself On The Front End And Follow Up With Your enterprise On The Backend” You may be thinking this is outrageous because possibility are that your up line has simply ever taught you to sway out there and start selling your business opportunity, begin prosecting your neighbour, harassing your friends and family Riley Ridley Bears Jersey , their friends and family, anyone who walks within three feet of you BUT truthfully my friend, these strategies are killing your company and will lead to your failure. These strategies are entirely positioning you as an annoying sales person and guess what David Montgomery Bears Jersey , people don’t like to be sold! “People associate with People, They Do Not take part in Companies” So what effects does positioning gain on your enterprise and what differences will this gain on your prospecting? When you position yourself AA Jerseys[/url] http://www.wholesaleshoesforsale.com/http://www.wholesalejordanshoescheap.com/