It is widely recognised that Email and the Internet is here to stay! Both mediums have become a vital part of business and personal communication in a world that increasingly relies on technology. We understand its benefits and sometimes berate its downsides; too much email Wholesale Ronnie Stanley Jersey , lack of personal communication, spam, the risk of employees accessing inappropriate material and using employer resources for personal gain.
This gain in technology has not come without cost as increasingly employers and employees are being bought to task over breaches of copyright Wholesale Marlon Humphrey Jersey , confidentiality, privacy, discrimination and harassment and in some instances criminal offences (pornography Wholesale Justin Tucker Jersey , obscene and threatening material).
This fact sheet examines ways of measures you can take to greatly reduce and protect your business from legal and other risks.
Recently Monash University reported that email abuse had significantly increased as employees seek to avoid personal confrontation by sending abusive e-mails to those they had targeted or are angry with instead of speaking to them face to face.
This type of behaviour places employers at risk of claims of workplace harassment and discrimination and it is important that you take measures to ensure that this type of activity is clearly communicated as unacceptable to your employees.
By way of example, Biz Momentum undertook a sexual harassment investigation for an employer after an employee complained of sexual harassment by a work colleague. Biz Momentum found that the work colleague had unlawfully accessed 500 different pornographic web-sites over a period of 6 months and at the expense of the employer. The employer took appropriate action.
What should I include in my electronic mail & Internet policy
Biz Momentum recommends that you implement E-mail and Internet policies that includes the following key elements
1. Computer Policies and Procedures
2. E-mail and Internet for Business & Private Use
3. Audit
1. Policies and Procedures
Ensure that you have comprehensive computer policies and procedures relating to defined boundaries that protect you from legal risk for using your E-mail and Internet facilities.
Communicate these policies and procedures to your employees and new starts ? ensure that they sign off on these policies. This cannot be understated in the event of a dispute and is best practice management in protecting your business interests.
2. Email for Business & Private Use
a. Be upfront ? use of E-mail and the Internet is primarily for business use. If you allow reasonable private use, specify when (lunchbreak) and the type of mail employees may compose (electronic banking Wholesale Terrell Suggs Jersey , child-care arrangements etc)
b. Be specific on what an employee may not access or use E-mail or the Internet for (breach of copyright, spam, masquerading Wholesale Marshal Yanda Jersey , personal business gain, acts that incite hatred, discrimination to name a few).
3. Audit
Your policies and procedures should inform employees that you conduct regular computer audits in line with the law. This is not an invasive procedure but is designed to protect your business.
No matter what the size of your business Wholesale C.J. Mosley Jersey , wether you have stand-alone computers or you are networked ensure that your computer logs are audited on a frequent basis.
However a word of caution! Be careful! There are various laws (Privacy Act) that define what you may or may not do when viewing computer logs and this can include not opening and reading employee E-mail or Internet sites. However by viewing the computer logs you can gain a reasonable understanding from where the traffic is directed. In most cases it is obvious if a breach of your policies and procedures has occurred.
You may find other useful small business guides at Biz Momentum ( ). You need to treat this information sensitively and take further advice from your practitioner before taking further action.
Ensure you business is protected.
Foreign currency trading is a high risk and high reward business. You need to devise strategies to make profits in the market on a sustained basis. Always remember that day trading in foreign currency is not the ideal way if you really want to have a long term perspective.
Day trading in foreign currency exchange is the same concept as day trading in securities markets. You take a short term bet on the price movements of various currencies in your portfolio. Thus you gain or lose depending upon the intra day fluctuations in prices of these currencies. Whether you are long or short at a particular point of time in a day depends upon your assessment of the likelihood movement of prices later on during the day. Let us explain by a simple example. Suppose you are short on Yen in the morning session of trading (meaning that you have sold yen at a price). It means that you expect Yen to decline further in the day so that you would be able to buy back Yen at a lower price and make a profit in the process. Here you are taking a bearish outlook of the market.
On the contrary, if you are long on Yen (meaning that you have bought Yen at a price), it means that you are bullish on Yen and expect it to rise further so that you will be able to sell it at a higher price and make money. Day trading foreign currency thus means taking a very short term view of the market and is fraught with risks and possibility of huge capital losses.